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The Race


The race now uses SPORTident timing. You can follow the race live by clicking on the a link that will be published here nearer race day.



Registration will take place on Saturday morning from 0800 - 0930 in Craighouse village hall. At registration you will complete a 'while on Jura' form, go through the mandatory kit check before being issued your timing chip and race number.

Kit Check: All runners will have their kit checked. Please bring your kit to registration to be checked.


All competitors MUST carry the following:

  • Waterproof jacket and trousers - in good condition, taped seams, integral hood. Windproof-only garments not acceptable.

  • Hat and gloves - woolly hat always OK, peaked cap OK if weather fine.

  • Map of race area - OS 1:50,000/1:25,000 or equivalent quality and detail.

  • Whistle

  • A full size, fully functioning compass

  • Emergency rations - 200 kcal minimum

  • As of 2024, the following items will also be mandatory, regardless of conditions:

    • Extra warm layer

    • Emergency survival bag (not blanket)

    • Charged mobile phone

Additional clothing or survival equipment is recommended depending on the conditions, at your discretion.


Non-compliance with minimum kit requirements will result in automatic disqualification from the race.



There will be mandatory race briefings for all competitors. The briefing for the early start will take place at 0950 outside the Jura hotel with the early start at 1000. The briefing for the main start will take place at 1020 outside the Jura hotel for the main​ start at 1030. It is possible to opt into the early start on the morning of the race, but if would help us if wherever possible everyone who wishes to use this early start could do so by editing their entry on SiEntries by Wednesday 22 May


The start line is situated on the road by the Jura Hotel. 

Check Points: Must be visited in the order stated. All check points will be manned by a team of marshals. Display your race number and make sure you dib your timing chip - you will hear a beep as it registers.

Cut-offs: As last year, there are now no race cut-offs at Corra Bheinn or 3 Arch Bridge.

Marshals: Will be wearing hi-vis jackets. Please follow their instructions. They have the final word regarding any runners timed out.

First Aid: Please help any runner in need. All check point teams have first aid kits. There are 2 mountain rescue teams covering the course. First aid is also available at the finish. 

Emergencies: Call 999 for Mountain Rescue. All Check Points have radio contact with Mountain Rescue.

Mountain Rescue: Arrochar and Oban Mountain Rescue Teams will be providing cover for the duration of the race. They will be in the major bealachs (cols) between summits.

Race Communications: Glasgow and Clyde Raynet provide the communications network.

Water: In prolonged dry weather do not rely on being able to collect water on the course. We hope to have some clean water in large bottles at 3 Arch Bridge but you should not rely on this and will need to use your own bottle or cup. 

Leave no Trace: No excuse. If you drop something pick it up.

Use of Poles: The use of running poles is not permitted. The race is insured and held in accordance with Scottish Hill Runners rules and regulations. The SHR committee voted to ban the use of poles in SHR sanctioned races 2019.


© Neil Gow


  • If you are unable to carry on or are compulsorily retired by a marshal, please report your number to one of the check point teams, or a mountain rescue post, if possible.

  • Return to Craighouse by the most direct/safe route.

  • On return to Craighouse, you MUST ensure you inform a member of the race organising team that you have retired and hand in your SI dibber at download.

  • Please do not rely on a fellow runner to pass on information that you have retired - it is your responsibility to inform us.

  • Mountain rescue will search for any runners not accounted for. We do not want mountain rescue looking for runners unnecessarily.


Marshals: The marshal briefing is at 1930 on Friday at the village hall and there will be a briefing for any other helpers at 0745 outside the Village Hall on race day 

Prize Giving: Will take place as soon as we know all runners and marshals are safe. This will be around 1830 outside, or in the Village Hall in bad weather.

Race patches: Every finisher will receive a one-off Jura Fell Race patch, designed by brilliant race sponsors, the Adventure Patch Company.


Childrens' Races: These will take place as usual, with registration in the Village Hall once registration for the adult race has ended. The races will take place shortly after the adult race has set off.


Ceilidh: There will be a ceilidh in the village hall on Saturday evening with tickets for sale on the door. Starts at 8pm and will feature the Mcdonald Ceilidh Band and a licenced bar including local drinks. Tickets are £6 or £15 for a family.

Race Withdrawals: Please let us know via or by cancelling your place on SiEntries if you are injured or unable to run for any reason, right up to the day before the race.

Race Maps: Race maps will be available to purchase at registration.

Toilets: The hall toilets will be open for use by the fell race Friday 1700 – 2000 and Saturday 0700– 1800.   

Runners Post-Race Food: All runners will receive a lunch bag of food on arriving back in Craighouse. This is included in your entry fee and is kindly organised by the Gordon Wright Trust and local volunteers. If you have let us know you require a vegan or gluten free option, this will have been arranged.


© Harsharn Gill




© Konrad Borkowski


© Grant Rozga


© Gini Dickinson


© Marcus Covell

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Site by pi@pi-designs Isle of Jura

Pi Davidson & Emily Greaves
unless otherwise credited


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