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The Course

Thank you to Ben Thomson for his Relive 2019 race data.

Jura Guided recce

The race requires safe navigation around a technical course. While we recognise that not everyone is in a position to recce the route, it is our top tip for those looking to have a good race to try and fit one in. We reccommend Jura Guided which is run by Grant Rozga, who has been running in the hills of Jura for 20 years. More often than not he takes the prize for the fastest duirach at the fell race. You can get in touch with Grant via his website:    


Key details

  • The course is 28km with 2370m of ascent.

  • The route is not marked, runners may choose their own route between check points. 

  • The mountain terrain crossed by the race is potentially dangerous.

  • Runners are responsible for their own safe navigation across the mountains and should not enter the race unless confident in their navigational skills and abilities on rough ground.

  • It is imperative that runners take the utmost care, particularly when on the Paps. Carelessness could result in injury to yourself or others.

  • Be alert and aware on the descents at all times. The warning is "ROCK(S)" shouted loudly to warn runners below if you dislodge scree. (You may also hear "BELOW")

Map of Race Route
Click to enlarge

race route.jpg

Grid References Cut Off Times
Click to enlarge (note that CP7 and CP8 cut-offs have been removed as of 2023)

IOJFR cutoffs.PNG

Course Profile

Description of Terrain

The mountain terrain crossed by the race is potentially dangerous. It is

imperative that you take the utmost care when on the Paps.  Carelessness

could cause injury to others.  You are responsible for your own safe

navigation over the mountains.  The information below is a guide only. 


Craighouse to Dubh Bheinn: Proceed from the Distillery up the road

opposite the Village Hall and continue on up the road to the top near the

telephone exchange. Leave the road at this point to break off on to open

moorland, keeping to the right of the plantation. Though the gradient is

fairly moderate, the ground itself is very boggy in places to begin with.

Straight up a short steep ascent to pass Dubh Chreag.  Head via compass

bearing/trod direct to CP1 at the summit cairn/shelter of Dubh Bheinn.

Dubh Bheinn to Glas Bheinn: Double back, then bearing left move

down the ridge passing some lochans and on up to the summit of

Glas Bheinn; a fast leg. Trust compass; reconnaissance useful.

Glas Bheinn to Aonach Bheinn: Flat, fast ridge traverse to the west summit of Aonach Bheinn.

Aonach Bheinn to Beinn a’Chaolais: Initially steep descent from Aonach Bheinn into Gleann Astaile to cross the burn.  Choose your own route up the 2,000 feet to the summit of Beinn a’Chaolais, or follow the trod up the green water streak, then heather and scree, nearly to the summit.

Beinn a’Chaolais to Beinn an Oir: Steep descent to NE on worn out scree track (some grass) to saddle, then steep ascent up ridge to summit of Beinn an Oir.  Beinn a’Chaolais is a convex mountain and the direct line down would take you over crags.

Beinn an Oir to Beinn Shiantaidh: The eastern side of Beinn an Oir, although steep, is not as treacherous.  Best descent is from low ruins at the end of an unusual boulder-track NE of summit cairn. Spring in hillside about 200 feet down.  The ascent of Beinn Shiantaidh from the pass (Imir an Aonaich) is steep but on sure ground; some worn trods and tracks; ascent eases off before the summit.

Beinn Shiantaidh to Corra Bheinn: Beinn Shiantaidh is another convex mountain. Descent of N to NE side is very dangerous – with many crags a short way below the summit. Easily the best way is to descend SE flank for a few hundred feet on mainly small screes, then bear NE on screes and a rough trod to Lochanan Tana. Do not be tempted to bear left too soon high up - it's awful, and is banned anyway, as you would be crossing a SSSI. From the plateau, find a way up L or R (most popular) of the crags to the summit of Corra Bheinn.

Corra Bheinn to Three Arch Bridge: Straightforward descent to Bridge over deer tracks and rough grassland, very wet in places. Most runners cross the Corran River and follow tracks on the S side to the Bridge. Pass under the bridge.

Three Arch Bridge to Craighouse: The rest of the way lies along a 3.3 mile stretch of road which hugs Jura’s beautiful coastline.

Click here to watch Across The Sound, a film by Alfie Smith and Louis MacMillan, follows the adventure of young hill runner Louis, from his home on the Keills Peninsula to the island of Jura to run the stunning route of the Jura Fell Race. The film was shot by young filmmaker Alfie, with music coming from the awesome bands Talisk and Fourth Moon.

Alternative Course

The following course will be used in the event of severe weather conditions.

alternative course.jpg

© Konrad Borkowski


© Konrad Borkowski

Pronunciation Guide


George is the race founder and is a teacher of Gaelic Studies and here's what he has to say about pronunciation:

"I noticed that there was some difficulty among runners with the pronunciation of the hill-names on the course. If I may, I would like to supply them now along with an English-based pronunciation which may be felt to be helpful to the runners. Parts in bold type indicate where the stress lies. "


Dubh-Bheinn - 'black mountain'

Glas-Bheinn 'grey/green mountain'

Aonach-Bheinn 'steep mountain'

Beinn a' Chaolais 'mountain of/by/nearest the sound (i.e. Sound of Islay)

Beinn an Òir 'mountain of the gold, the golden mountain' 

Beinn Shiantaidh 'holy mountain'

Corra-Bheinn 'steep mountain'

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Pi Davidson & Emily Greaves
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